Hello 2017!
Feeling proud en blessed. Thanks to a great friend, I can finally introduce my new website! Thank you David, for your support and technical skills to help me get this site together.
2017 The year of Kali. A year of destruction, making room for the things you want to do in life. In numerology 2017 is the year of number 1 (2+0+1+7=10 and 1+0=1) The year of new beginnings, it carries the energy of rebirths. Letting go of everything that doesn’t fit you anymore. The time for transformation is here. Kali, the goddess of life, death and destruction takes you out of your comfort zone. It takes some courage to let go, finding your new uncertain way, but this year brings you the right adventures that will bring you closer to yourself.
I’m ready.
The old must be released so that the new can enter – Doreen Virtue