Lightcode 8th of April 2020
8th of April 2020 | Super Full Moon in Libra | Lightcode & channeling from Lilith
How us women reclaim our space. That what has been taken will flow back to us. The new, the innocence, the open heart, we will forgive anything that has been done to us. Our greatest power is to forgive.
Us women will reclaim our power. With an open heart we will receive the energy of revenge, but we will not act out of hate. We will take our space to feel and transform this energy. We will only act from a place of open heart. Our greatest power is to stand up and forgive. The moment we can feel that we can stand again in our fullest potential, brings back our remembering of our greatness. We remember to stand up for the things that hurts us. The world or society suffering. We know that when we stand up with grace that the beauty of our open heart can trust again. We will forgive AND forget our past. YES we will forget, because it isn’t important anymore to remember. It isn’t important to hold onto the past of suffering. We can truly let go of the energy of what happened. We will forget because we will leave the mind space. We will return back to our original heart space. It is of non-importance to remember our past. We will let go and build on the new ground. Holding onto the past is holding onto suffering. It will not help us to move forward. We will move forward on our path of healing and trusting on our path. Trusting that the path is ours. We will forget the old, to fully see our new path. The mind isn’t important anymore. We cannot build on the old world, the new world appears when we fully let go of the old. Forgive and forget will create space for the new.
Breathing into the trust that it must have been this way to flow back to our heart vibration. To feel our real truth of the power of the heart.