Lightcode 10th of June 2021
10th of June 2021 | New moon in Gemini | Lightcode & channeling of angels
Dear humans, we would love to talk about your new opportunities in light. The way you manifest now is that you can not see its full potential yet of it’s deep power. During this solar eclipse the veil will be lifted, to see the magical world. Yes everything is possible if you step into your own love & light. Your manifestation power is endless. I want you to realize that it is an opportunity to be amazed. It’s like holding a wand and getting everything you want. Ground and see your opportunities. I want you to dare to truly dream what you really want. Your dreams manifested in the 5D world, will be here transformed in the real world on Earth. I want you to give your mind some space to think without any boundaries. Opportunities are endless, if you just could see the power of your light. Softly inhale and hold your wand. Choosing what is right for you first. If you choose from a place of love, the Earth will slowly change as well. Feeling connected with the higher vibrations is making our bodies change. We are vibrating our love to the world. Softly inhale and trust that we are the vehicle. If you realize that you are the centre, remembering your light, it will be light around you.