Lightcode 27th of April 2021
27th of April 2021 | Full moon in Scorpio | Lightcode & channeling of Lilith
Dear humans, I’m going to ask you to not be afraid of your own shadow. In these upcoming days we are here to transform the shadow. I’m going to ask you to transform your deepest darkness. Your fear of being great here on this Earth, is not going to last. The world will transform and so are you. You can not stop this process. I’m going to ask you to put your feet truly in the ground. You are here with a mission. You are here with a goal. Ask your truth to be spoken. You are here to transform. We can not let ourselves be seen, if we hold onto the lower vibrations on Earth. It is just not who we are. Please dare to let go, so you can be great in who you truly are. You are here, right now, to transform into your newest form. We are all so much lighter then we think.